End of Year Ceremonies
Class of 2021
Commencement Ceremony 2021
Awards Night 2021
Talent Show 2021
Congratulations Class of 2021! Your end-of-year events are rapidly approaching. Specific information can be found below. More detailed information (such as maps and parking directions) will be sent next week.
- Graduation will take place in-person here at the HSMC campus on Tuesday, May 25 at 6PM.
- The ceremony will also be livestreamed on our school website https://www.hsmc.mrpk.org/2021
- This event will take place in accordance with Ventura County Public Health Guidelines.
- Please arrive early to check-in as the ceremony will start promptly at 6PM and the check-in process will take extra time due to COVID guidelines.
- Seniors should report to TR 1 and TR 2 no later than 5PM.
- This is the only senior attendance requirement that day.
- Each graduating senior will be allowed 4 guests at our ceremony. We are unable to provide additional tickets due to COVID guideline restrictions (but remember, the event is also live-streamed).
- Please use the following link to register your guests for our event no later than FRIDAY, MAY 21stat 3PM.
- https://forms.gle/aVXez83aQUgYFJ4T7
- Only persons who have preregistered at this link will be allowed to attend.
- Please bring identification for all adults attending as guests
- Guests will be allowed into the graduation seating area beginning at 5PM.
- Guests Entering Campus
- Please park in lots G, G1, or F (see attached map – highlighted yellow)
- All persons entering campus must proceed directly to the check-in station before going anywhere else on campus.
- The check-in station for all attendees will be behind the TR 3-5 Trailers
- Between Lots G1 and F (see attached map – highlighted red)
- Between HSMC and the Academic Center Building
- At this station, we will:
- Check your information against our guest registry;
- Ask a series of COVID Screening/Symptom questions;
- Take your temperature with a no-touch thermometer;
- After checking in, please proceed directly to the Gymnasium Terrace guest seating area (see attached map – highlighted blue)
- Guest seating will be socially distanced. Please do not move chairs.
- The check-in station for all attendees will be behind the TR 3-5 Trailers
- Please use the following link to register your guests for our event no later than FRIDAY, MAY 21stat 3PM.
- All persons on the campus will be required to wear a mask and maintain social distancing at all times.
- MANDATORY Graduation Practice will take place at HSMC on Monday, May 24 at 4:10 PM.
- This is the only senior attendance requirement that day.
- Non-attendance may result in not being able to participate in the graduation ceremony.
- All seniors should report to TR1 and TR2 no later than 4:10 PM.
- All seniors will be required to check-in on campus using the MYVCCCD app.
- Please call us if you do not know how to use the myvcccd screening app at 805-378-6312.
- Our Virtual Awards Ceremony will be streamed online on Monday, May 24 at 6PM.
- The video will be available on our website as well as in a school-wide google meet
- While a few Senior Awards will be given at the graduation ceremony, a more extensive awards process will take place at this virtual event. We look forward to seeing you online!
On-Campus COVID19 Rules/Procedures
- If You Have Tested Positive for COVID19 in the last 10 days
- You will not be able to come to campus
- If You Have Any Symptom of COVID19 on the day of the event
- You will not be able to come to campus if you are exhibiting any COVID-Like Symptoms including:
- Fever or Chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- You will not be able to come to campus if you are exhibiting any COVID-Like Symptoms including:
- Physical Distancing
- All individuals on campus must maintain at least 6 feet of distance between their household and others at all times.
- Masks
- Masks/Face Coverings are required on the Moorpark College campus at all times.