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End of Year Ceremonies

Class of 2021

Commencement Ceremony 2021

Awards Night 2021

Talent Show 2021


Congratulations Class of 2021! Your end-of-year events are rapidly approaching.  Specific information can be found below.  More detailed information (such as maps and parking directions) will be sent next week.

  • Graduation will take place in-person here at the HSMC campus on Tuesday, May 25 at 6PM. 
  • This event will take place in accordance with Ventura County Public Health Guidelines.
    • Please arrive early to check-in as the ceremony will start promptly at 6PM and the check-in process will take extra time due to COVID guidelines.
  • Seniors should report to TR 1 and TR 2 no later than 5PM. 
    • This is the only senior attendance requirement that day.
  • Each graduating senior will be allowed 4 guests at our ceremony. We are unable to provide additional tickets due to COVID guideline restrictions (but remember, the event is also live-streamed).
    • Please use the following link to register your guests for our event no later than FRIDAY, MAY 21stat 3PM.
      • Only persons who have preregistered at this link will be allowed to attend.
      • Please bring identification for all adults attending as guests
    • Guests will be allowed into the graduation seating area beginning at 5PM. 
    • Guests Entering Campus
      • Please park in lots G, G1, or F (see attached map – highlighted yellow)
      • All persons entering campus must proceed directly to the check-in station before going anywhere else on campus.  
        • The check-in station for all attendees will be behind the TR 3-5 Trailers 
          • Between Lots G1 and F (see attached map – highlighted red)
          • Between HSMC and the Academic Center Building
          • At this station, we will: 
            • Check your information against our guest registry;
            • Ask a series of COVID Screening/Symptom questions; 
            • Take your temperature with a no-touch thermometer;
        • After checking in, please proceed directly to the Gymnasium Terrace guest seating area (see attached map – highlighted blue)
        • Guest seating will be socially distanced.  Please do not move chairs.
  • All persons on the campus will be required to wear a mask and maintain social distancing at all times. 


  • MANDATORY Graduation Practice will take place at HSMC on Monday, May 24 at 4:10 PM.  
    • This is the only senior attendance requirement that day.
    • Non-attendance may result in not being able to participate in the graduation ceremony.
  • All seniors should report to TR1 and TR2 no later than 4:10 PM. 
  • All seniors will be required to check-in on campus using the MYVCCCD app.  
    • Please call us if you do not know how to use the myvcccd screening app at 805-378-6312.


  • Our Virtual Awards Ceremony will be streamed online on Monday, May 24 at 6PM.  
  • The video will be available on our website as well as in a school-wide google meet 
  • While a few Senior Awards will be given at the graduation ceremony, a more extensive awards process will take place at this virtual event.  We look forward to seeing you online!

On-Campus COVID19 Rules/Procedures

  1. If You Have Tested Positive for COVID19 in the last 10 days
    1. You will not be able to come to campus
  2. If You Have Any Symptom of COVID19 on the day of the event
    1. You will not be able to come to campus if you are exhibiting any COVID-Like Symptoms including:
      1. Fever or Chills
      2. Cough
      3. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
      4. Fatigue
      5. Muscle or body aches
      6. Headache
      7. New loss of taste or smell
      8. Sore throat
      9. Congestion or runny nose
      10. Nausea or vomiting
      11. Diarrhea
  3. Physical Distancing
    1. All individuals on campus must maintain at least 6 feet of distance between their household and others at all times.
  4. Masks
    1. Masks/Face Coverings are required on the Moorpark College campus at all times.