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Enrollment Information

Welcome To The High School at Moorpark College

A Middle College High School

Once you have been accepted to The High School at Moorpark College, the following checklist and/or actions must be completed. 

Do not worry about completing these steps on your own, we will do it together during your new student orientation! 

For your information only, these are the steps you will be completing.


Do you have a '900' ID number for Moorpark Community College? This was given by the college when you registered online. Did you receive confirmation regarding your college admissions (usually within 72 hours)? If you answered YES to both of these questions, you are ready for STEP #3

If you answered NO, please complete an online college application. This will ensure that you are ready for the High School's Orientation.  You are not fully enrolled in Moorpark College until you've completed this step.

Complete the following steps:

  • Go to the Moorpark College website (
  • Go to the top of the scroll bar. Click on APPLY and ENROLL
  • Click on Step 1: Apply for admission
  • Click on Online Application for Admission
  • Scroll to the bottom of the "Welcome to the Moorpark Online Application" page
  • Click on "Begin Application for Moorpark College."
  • Click on "New User." (left hand side)
  • Begin the process of creating your account.
  • At the end of the process you will see a message that says, "Account Created."

NOTE:  You will need your social security number. You will be asked to create your username and password.

Keep all of this information handy and confidential.

STEP #2 CREATING "MyVCCCD" ACCOUNT If you have your admissions application on file with the HS@MC and Moorpark College, you are ready to create your VCCCD account. This account is very important in that it allows you to access registration, fee payments, course information, emails, campus news, and more. To create your account, please complete the following steps:

  • Go to the Moorpark College website
  • Got to the Online Services tab at the top right hand side
  • Click on online Orientation
  • Click on " Create your MyVCCCD student account."
  • Click on ' Sign up for an account'
  • To sign up, you will need your User ID: (user Identification Number. This is the college assigned nine digit number ( a 900 number or your social security number ( no dashes or spaces) and your six characters PIN  (Personal Identification Number).

NOTE: Do not give your user ID and PIN to anyone else. Invalid User ID or PIN error message: You will receive this message if the the User ID and/or PIN you are using do not match the college's records. You will have to contact the Admissions & Records Office if you have difficulties logging in to MyVCCCD or do not know your PIN.


Follow the prompts to complete the online English and Math Self-placement assessments.  Print out the last pages of each assessment and submit this information with your enrollment packet documents. 

ABOUT THE MATH ASSESSMENT:  The HS@MC doesn't currently offer Math for our student. Students must enroll in college math classes to round out their schedules. To better assist with placement and to determine the academic skill level for our students, we will be using the college's online assessments structure. ALL Students are required to take the online Math Assessment even if you are not enrolled in a math class at this time. For those who are enrolled in a math class, your placement will not be affected. Please provide a copy of the assessment to the main office.

STEP #4: ONLINE NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION (Recommended but not required)

Follow the prompts to complete the new student orientation process.  Print out the last page and submit this information with your enrollment packet documents.